Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Poor Babe

I hesitate to post this because so many of you love Ellie and will find it difficult to read these words and be unable to help her in any way...except, of course, to pray.


There is, however, heartache for her pain levels.

Yesterday evening at around 9pm, Ellie started having back spasms. Those are painful in and of themselves, but imagine that your spine has just been cut open and you're having them. AWFUL.

This is not an uncommon side effect of the SDR surgery. The pain is usually managed through morphine and other narcotics. Medications that we now know wreck havoc on our little Ellie's tummy. They have tried a bunch of pain meds, but none seems to be working as well as I (or the doctors) would like. Ellie was pretty much up all night and the spasms were excruciating. It was, without hesitation, the most difficult night of my life, watching my sweet baby girl in constant pain.

They are still trying different drug options. The spasms seem to have weakened, but it's hard to tell. Ellie is still in a considerable amount of pain and it's so very hard to watch.

Since I have not slept since 5:30 yesterday morning, I am now at the hotel suite, ready to get some sleep. I just wanted to update you all and beseech you to continue with your prayers. Until Ellie's pain is managed, she won't be doing any sort of recovery today.


  1. I hope she is feeling much better today. The SDR surgery worries me with audrianna because shes allergic to codiene and morphine So I am quite frightened for her to have the surgery. Ellie is such a strong girl and is such a trooper give her a big ol hug for audrianna and I.

  2. Chrystie - I just read your post about Ellie's pain. I'm so, so sorry to hear about this. I don't know if you remember, but Kaitlyn went through EXACTLY the same thing (an entire night of back spasms and terrible pain). I'm only writing this now to let you know that it turned out that she was having an adverse reaction to the painkiller Fentanyl (a super strong narcotic used to manage the most severe pain). When Dr. Park arrived in the morning, he took her totally off of the Fentanyl, and put her on morphine. She did much better after that. I'm not sure if Ellie's on Fentanyl, but I felt compelled to write just in case. I'll be watching your posts in the hopes of seeing that things have turned for the better. In the meantime, Kaitlyn and I will keep sweet little Ellie in our prayers.
