Monday, April 12, 2010

Give Me A "P", Give Me An "R"....!!

Plenty of things to be excited about, I know, but sometimes I have to admit that I'm plagued with discouragement.  At times, I sit here in front of the computer, contemplating what to post.  Do you want to see yet another video of Ellie walking the same way, with the same purple canes?  Do you want to behold yet another picture of Ellie squating at the wall bar during her conductive education class?  Retraining the brain is a painstakingly slow process.  BUT.  I also know that Ellie has been improving, almost daily.  I need to focus on those "little" things when camping in the valley, waiting for my hike up the mountain.  So, here goes...

Rock-star Ellie continues walking with assistance in her canes, quietly building up strength each time she accomplishes the task.  She lost some strength over spring break, while sick and on "therapy holidays", but I was pleasantly surprised how quickly she built her stamina back up.  By the end of last week, she was back to her pre-spring break self. 

Other people are struck by Ellie's awesomeness too!  I love this picture, as Ellie's assistant is obviously taken with her.  Sweet, sweet girl.

Gargantuan generosity.  Those are words that describe YOU, our dear friends and family.  Ellie has been showered with snail mail lovin' from the day we arrived in Florida.  Words cannot adequately express how our hearts have soared because of these constant love-reminders.  Thanks to ALL of you who have hugged us in this special way.  Ellie's face lights up when she sees her name written on an envelope or package--see, you're teaching the girl to read!

Running.....her MOUTH, that is!  Except, Ellie's running it in a GOOD way, ha!  During one of Ellie's pre-op visits, Dr. Steinbok mentioned that he'd seen a lot of speech improvement after Rhizotomy surgery.  He was cautiously optimistic that we would see similar advancements in Ellie.  Well, I don't know if it's a result of the surgery or "regular" development, but Ellie's sentences are becoming more complex every day.  She chatters pretty much non-stop...just like her daddy. :-)

Everywhere we go, Ellie wants to zip around with her walker.  Especially when we're shopping.  I think she loves the independence it gives her.  She is also just starting to get brave enough to hold onto her walker with only ONE hand, while grasping something (usually a toy, in a store) with the other hand.  That action requires a lot of balance and strength!  She only lets go of her walker for a couple of seconds, but the mere fact that she's initiating it on her own is really fantastic.  Usually Ellie is timid when it comes to "pushing her limits", but obviously the shopaholic in her overrides.  (Oh, man, Richard and I are in for some trouble in the coming years, aren't we?!)

Simply Sensational.  That's what Ellie is.  Really.  She is working SO.VERY.HARD.  Every day.  Sometimes I forget that every step she takes is a fight against what her body wants to do.  Ellie rarely complains.  She just continues to fight. 

Amazing PROGRESS, I'd say!