Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's Going SWIMMINGLY...

I'm not sure if this is directly related to Ellie's SDR surgery, but we've been so impressed with her ability to SWIM this year. She has always been a fish and loved the water, but it's only been in the past few months that she's really been able to navigate herself in the pool. She can kick those legs and give 'er!

And then last week, another one of my dreams came true.

Ellie swam ALONE. I was actually able to perch myself on a lawn chair and admire her aqua-beauty while on dry, warm, non-hair-wrecking land. It was pure bliss!

I think it's time to investigate some private swimming lessons for Miss Ellie when we get back home. I know that she'd love to ditch the tube and REALLY swim solo. Maybe she'll be the next great Paraolympian swimmer!

Here's another one that's just for fun, so you can hear Ellie talk a bit and breathe in a little more of her sweetness!


  1. Ellie looks awesome swimming around! I think she's loving the freedom. Do you agree that it's a lot easier for her to move in the water? Kaitlyn's always loved to swim too. She just finished up a 5 week session of private swim lessons - she did great, and I feel a little more comfortable that she's learning about water safety. I'm sure Ellie would love it! She just continues to impress and inspire us - GO ELLIE!!! - Tara

  2. Yay, so glad to see TARA AND KAITLYN up there!! I have not seen or heard from ya'll since BBC days, and the last I knew you guys were relocating. Kaitlyn was just starting to walk solo!

    Okay, sorry!! I had to throw that out there.

    Oh ma gosh, Chrystie!!!!!!!!! Ellie Rocks so hard. I just cannot get over it. Yes, go for the swimming lessons. She certainly looks ready for it. That has to be soooo good for those legs. She is so beautiful, and I am in love with her voice--so loud--so clear. I am so happy for you all! Keep these great posts coming. You have so much to look forward to--so much to hope for and dream about!! I am praising God with you for it all!! This stuff is so very exciting.

  3. That is SO awesome! I love listening to her sweet voice and her vocabulary is amazing! Do you think your girl could give my girl a lesson in determination and perseverance?? Go Ellie!

  4. Ditto to everything said in the comments before mine! WOW! Kids and water, hey? Amazing! And can I say, Kick Butt Pool?!?!? NICE!!!!! Go Ellie! Evan and Hannah are going to have swimming lessons this summer, too. They say, "come on over and play!" :-)

  5. Sweetness meter just went off the charts! Excellent movement in the water...busy little legs!!
